Alaska Outdoor Digest

The source for important, timely news on hunting, fishing and the outdoors in Alaska.

Kenai flooding likely starting Friday Kenai flooding likely starting Friday
Kenai fishermen and boaters need to be aware that flooding is likely from Cooper Landing through the middle river starting Friday, as the Snow... Kenai flooding likely starting Friday

Kenai fishermen and boaters need to be aware that flooding is likely from Cooper Landing through the middle river starting Friday, as the Snow Glacier ice dam is failing and releasing a huge amount of water below Kenai Lake.

The link below provides more details but expect rising water to blow out what has been a great September for rainbows and silvers on the entire river.  Here’s the summary of the flood alert from NOAA:

“Flood Watch for Kenai Lake and Kenai River from Cooper Landing to Skilak Lake. PRIMARY CAUSE: Glacial Lake Outburst from Snow glacier dammed lake. TIMING: From Friday morning through Monday morning. REASON FOR FLOOD WATCH: The Snow glacier dammed lake is releasing at this time. Water levels on the Snow River are steadily rising and are reflective of previous outburst events. Expect a significant water level increase on Kenai Lake through the weekend. Water will likely rise to the point of flooding the Primrose campground and other low lying areas by Friday afternoon. Water may continue to rise on the Kenai Lake and Snow and Kenai Rivers through the weekend and early next week. Water levels on the Kenai River below Skilak Lake will likely see a more moderate increase to bankfull conditions by early next week.”

Lee Leschper