The 2017 Kenai River early-run king salmon preseason projection is for 6,500 large (longer than 34 inches) king salmon. This falls within the optimal escapement goal (OEG) of 3,900 to 6,600 large king salmon.
In February, the Alaska Board of Fisheries amended the Kenai/Kasilof Early-run King Salmon Management Plan so that if the Kenai early run projection falls within or above the OEG, the early-run king salmon sport fishery may start under general regulations for the Kenai until an inseason projection is available. Those regulations, below Skilak Lake, are:
- Bait is prohibited, and only one single–hook, artificial lure may be used.
- The bag and possession limit for king salmon 20 inches or greater in length is one king salmon. Only king salmon 36 inches or less may be retained. King salmon greater than 36 inches in length may not be removed from the water and must be released.
- There is a five fish annual limit for king salmon over 20 inches from all Cook Inlet Drainage waters in combination, which includes only two fish per year over 20 inches can come from the Kenai River, except fish under 28 inches in length caught in the Kenai River prior to July 1 do not count towards the annual limit. All harvested fish that count towards an annual limit must be recorded on a harvest record or your license.
- The bag and possession limit for king salmon less than 20 inches (jacks), is ten fish.
Regulations may be liberalized or restricted inseason by emergency order if subsequent inseason projections change. So stay tuned.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
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