Forget bears–beware of Mama Moose
Uncategorized May 25, 2017 Lee Leschper

There’s a baby moose, and its protective Mama, coming to a neigborhood near you.
Alaska is in the midst of the annual moose calving season and hikers, bikers and just about everybody walking a trail or even city street might encourage a new moose family.
Wednesday night we watched a cow with newborne calves in an Anchorage neighborhood within feet of the deck. Because we were separated by height and a fence, everybody was safe, but on the ground we would have been way too close. Every moose decides what’s an appropriate safe distance, but if you can see the calves you are probably too close.
Moose, because of their size, weight and saucer-sized hooves, can inflict considerable damage. They are also incredible fast, and also pretty invisible if bedded down.
Early this week an Eagle River woman was severely injured when a cow moose attacked her. One report said youngsters had been throwing rocks at the moose earlier and it was already agitated when the woman came too close. And this was in a neighborhood, not on a isolated trail.
The risk will lessen by late June, when the fast-growing calves are able to run. But it’s always a good eye to be moose aware–one of the reasons we live here.