Alaska Outdoor Digest

The source for important, timely news on hunting, fishing and the outdoors in Alaska.

2019 Slam’n Salm’n Derby kicks off Friday with Kings in the Creek
The downtown Anchorage Ship Creek Slam’n Salm’n Derby kicks off Friday at 6 a.m. and it’s shaping up to be the best Derby in many years. A big surge of big king salmon has been filling the creek for the past 10 days, with a 43-pounder the largest weighed... Read more
Ship Creek Derby winds to muddy end
The year’s Slam’n Salm’n Derby on Ship Creek is winding to a muddy end after torrential rains Friday night again flooded the creek with high muddy water. The 28.95-p0und king was still leading as of this morning, among just 98 kings weighed in through Friday.  The derby ends at... Read more
Ship’s kings off to slow start but building
By Lee Leschper There are king salmon in Ship Creek. And if you put in enough time, are good enough, and especially lucky enough, you might catch one this week. I watched one of the regulars, who I know only as Peter, hook and land an honest 30-pound king... Read more
Into last day, 36.2-pound king continues to lead Derby
As the 2017 Slam’n Salm’n Derby wraps at noon Sunday, Michael Tinker’s 36.2-pound king salmon was holding onto first place. It’s been a Derby with both lots of fish–more than 300 weighed in through Saturday–and big fish, with the top ten salmon all more than 31 pounds. This year’s... Read more