Alaska Outdoor Digest

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Fishing August 8, 2019

The late sockeye salmon run on the Kenai River is so far off the charts it no longer is sufficient to use superlatives. With another 60,000 plus reds into the Kenai yesterday, the run count is poised to triple the count for same date last year. With the limit... Read more
Board of Game voting on moose, sheep, bear regulations today
The Alaska Board of Game is voting today on a large package of proposed hunting regulation changes affecting Southcentral Alaska including adding more moose hunting opportunities on the lower Kenai Peninsula. Several proposals have called for a draw hunt, perhaps offering as many as 200 any-bull  moose tags, in... Read more
Board of Game taking testimony on moose, bear, sheep regs
The Alaska Board of Game is meeting in Anchorage this weekend, taking up a range of Southcentral and Kenai Peninsula hunting proposals. This weekend the board is taking public testimony, and is likely to begin voting on proposals Sunday afternoon. More moose hunting options and changes lead the discussion,... Read more
Today:  The King that may never be dethroned
Today in 1985, a Soldotna fisherman went fishing…and came home with the largest king salmon ever recorded on hook and line. Les Anderson wasn’t looking for a fishing record that may never be broken.  He and a buddy were just getting an early start on the year’s Kenai king... Read more
Board of Fish rejects blanket salmon closure proposal
By Lee Leschper The Alaska Board of Fisheries on Tuesday unamimously rejected an Agenda Change Request (ACR 10), a proposal that would have required that all Upper Cook Inlet salmon fisheries be closed together–commercial, sport and subsistence–if a salmon run was falling short of escapement goals. ACRs allow the... Read more
Classic public fisheries hearing addresses Federal issues
A public hearing hosted by Senator Dan Sullivan today in Soldotna will provide some rare insight into the complexes of managing Alaska fisheries under Federal control. The hearing is part of the first day of this year’s Kenai Classic hosted by the Kenai River Sport Fishing Association and will... Read more
Tips for making most of Russian opener
June 11 isn’t a state holiday in Alaska, but it might as well be. For the majority of Alaska sport fishermen, that opening day on the Upper Kenai and the Russian River is the opening bell to Sunday’s opener is shaping up to be a good one. Although the... Read more
Good start to summer fishing season
It’s the first week in June and if you’re not fishing, you’re probably planning on fishing. Here are a couple of things to mull over while packing your gear. Whether by luck or design, he Kenai early king run is the strongest in several years.  As of Thursday, almost... Read more
Fishing’s trickle before the flood
By Lee Leschper Call it a trickle. A trickle of early season fish that is, that could turn into a gusher any day. Most anywhere you’d consider fishing in Southcentral Alaska this week has shown a slowly increasing trickle of arriving salmon.  From the Valley, south through Anchorage’s Ship... Read more
Chugach Electric will have two public meetings in April on the three hydroelectric dams the utility has proposed to build on the Snow River, an important tributary of the Kenai River. Those public meetings be April 17 at the Lakefront Anchorage Hotel and April 18 at the Moose Pass... Read more