What are the best guns for Alaska?
Hunting September 19, 2017 Lee Leschper

Okay, is there a better way to start an argument than to ask a bunch of Alaskans to pick their favorite Anything?
But especially what’s the best gun to have in your hands in the Great Land.
We all have our biases, driven by experience, tradition or what happens to fit the family budget. But some tools are just better than others.
So what’s your favorite?
There is a purpose behind this exercise, besides starting a fist fight. We are helping some Down South friends plan future hunts to Alaska and the recurring question is: “Do I need a new gun?”
Which is a perfect excuse to go shopping!
What would you be shopping for, to build your perfect battery of Alaska firearms? Best caliber and best platform?
Best big dangerous game rifle?
Best mountain rifle?
Best bear protection?
Best handgun? Best bird gun?
Email your list and any success or failure stories to back it up, to AlaskaOutdoorDigest@gmail.com or post on our Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/AkOutdoorDigest/.
Next week we’ll tell you our personal choices. And we will compile the results from our readers and share with you in October.