Friday deadline for comments to Board of Game March meeting
GovernmentHunting February 28, 2019 Lee Leschper

Board of Game Southcentral Meeting Extended to March 14–19
(Anchorage) — The Alaska Board of Game will meet in Anchorage March 14–19, 2019, at the Anchorage Sheraton Hotel, 401 East 6th Avenue. The board will convene Thursday, March 14, at 9:00 a.m. to hear oral reports by agency staff. Public testimony will begin the following morning, March 15, upon conclusion of the oral reports. The meeting was originally scheduled for March 15–19, but has been extended due to a large number of proposals and other agenda items.
Comments to the board are due no later than Friday, March 1.
The Southcentral Region meeting will cover more than 70 proposals requesting changes to hunting and trapping regulations for Game Management Units (GMUs) 6, 7, 8, 14C, and 15. These GMUs include the areas of Cordova, Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak Island, and Anchorage. The board will also address proposals for other regions including reauthorizations for antlerless moose hunts and brown bear tag fees.
Proposals before the board have been submitted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, local fish and game advisory committees, other agencies, and the public. The public is encouraged to review proposals and to submit oral or written comments to help the board in its decision-making process. For a full listing of proposals to be addressed at this meeting, visit the meeting website at: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=gameboard.meetinginfo&date=03-14-2019&meeting=anchorage.
All portions of the meeting are open to the public. Live audio will be streamed on the board website at www.boardofgame.adfg.alaska.gov. Other meeting materials, including agendas, roadmap order of proposals, a list of staff reports, and public and agency comments on proposals can be viewed online at www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=gameboard.meetinginfo.
In-person oral public testimony will be taken at the meeting beginning Friday, March 15. Anyone wishing to testify before the board must sign up at the meeting location before 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 16. Public testimony will continue until all who have signed up have received the opportunity to be heard. Deliberations on proposals will begin following public testimony and will continue through the remainder of the meeting.
Those who wish to provide written comments are asked to do so by Friday, March 1, 2019.