Is your PFD going outdoors in Alaska?
Government October 5, 2017 Lee Leschper

So how are you spending your Alaska PFD this year?
Bills, savings, travel are okay. But there’s a lot of playing you can buy outdoors with that $1100 that arrives Thursday.
Here are a few suggestions.
Travel down South for winter fishing–we like redfish and speckled trout in Texas, stripers in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay and super-sized rainbows on New Mexico’s San Juan.
Kona’s giant marlin are always a good excuse to visit the Big Island.
$1100 will get you a decent new mountain rifle — we locked up a new Kimber 84L and a Leupold VX1 with change left over, for a mountain rig at 6 pounds.
I’m a huge fan of Bass Pro Gold Cup fly outfits…for everything from sockeye to halibut…and $1100 will get you set with an 8, 10 and 12.
Or a year at the gym to get your legs ready for the mountains.
If you’re concerned about safety and property as we all seem to be, there are some great security camera systems for about $500 (check out the Arlo) and lots of carry handguns to be had for the remaining $600.
Tell us how you’re spending yours!