“We planned to re-open both visitor centers by April 7, but given current circumstances and health mandates from the Governor’s office, both centers will remain closed to help keep the public and hatchery staff safe,” Molly McCarthy-Cunfer, the Ship Creek Fisheries Center supervisor, said.
Although the Fisheries Center in Anchorage will remain closed, the outside path along Ship Creek will remain open for members of the public. Guided tours will not be available.
This closure will not impact fish production at the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery or the Ruth Burnett Sport Fish Hatchery. Both facilities will continue normal operations as staff care for fish and prepare for the summer stocking season. The Department remains committed to providing diverse sport fishing opportunities for Alaskans through its hatchery enhancement program.
Follow COVID-19 shutdowns and limitations on fishing in Alaska at this website.
And at ADF&G Sport Fishing: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishingSport.main