Game Fish Advisory Committee meetings this month, elections next
FishingHunting March 10, 2018 Lee Leschper

There’s often considerable debate about the mix of sport fishermen versus commercial fishermen on the state’s Advisory Committees. This week is an ideal time for all parties to have a say in the composition of their local boards, by attending and voting at the annual election meetings listed below.
The Anchorage Fish Game Advisory Committee will hold their election meeting on Tuesday, April 3rd at King Career Center located at 2650 E Northern Lights Blvd at 6:30 pm. Agenda will also include a report from Statewide Shellfish BOF rep and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Frank Neumann at 529-0892.
The Seward Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold their election meeting on Wednesday, April 4th at the Seward Library, located at 239 6th Avenue, in the upstairs meeting room at 6:30 pm. Agenda will also include review of the BOF meeting, any proposals to submit for next year’s meeting cycle and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Jim McCracken at 224-3701.
LOCATION still to be confirmed: The Kenai/Soldotna Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold their election meeting on Thursday, April 5th at the Soldotna Sports Center, located at 538 Arena Avenue at 6:30 pm. Agenda will also include report on BOF shellfish meeting, discuss Joint Board, BOF, BOG or any other proposals to submit and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Mike Crawford at 252-2919.