The Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 24th at the William Hernandez Fish Hatchery, located at 941 Reeve Blvd at 6:30 pm. Agenda will include finalizing BOG Statewide proposal recommendations. For more information contact Frank Neumann at 529-0892.
The Homer Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 24th at the KBRR building, located at 2181 Kachemak Drive at 6 pm. Agenda will include a continued discussion of recommendations for the statewide Board of Game proposals , and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Dave Lyon at 399-2340.
The Copper River/PWS Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 7PM. Meeting location: PWS Aquaculture Corporation conference room, located at 500 Main St., Cordova. Agenda: PWS Board of Fisheries proposal review, anterless moose hunt reauthorization. For more information contact Tom Carpenter 424- 3101. To TELECONFERENCE into this meeting dial 1-800-504-8071, access code 2672354.
The Tok Cutoff/Nabesna Road Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, October 24th at the Slana School, located at Mile 1, Nabesna Road in Slana at 5 pm. Agenda will include preparing recommendations for the Statewide Board of Game proposals and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Ernie Charley at 320-5666.
The Mat Valley Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 25th at 7 pm at the MTA Building (Large meeting room), located at 480 Commercial Drive, Palmer in order to continue discussion on Board of Game Statewide proposals and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Herb Mansavage at 841-8928. Emailed to Palmer ADFG for posting 9/26/2017.
The Tyonek Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, October 26th at 1 pm at the Tribal Council office. Agenda will include preparing comments on the Board of Game proposals. For more information contact Alex Pfoff at 281-732-3805.
The Mat Valley Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold an election meeting on Wednesday, November 1st at 7 pm at the Palmer Moose Lodge, located at 1136 S Cobb St, Palmer. Other items on the agenda include conclude discussion on Board of Game Statewide proposals and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Herb Mansavage at 841-8928.
The Whittier Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold elections on Saturday, November 4th at the Anchor Inn, located at 743 Whittier St at 1 pm. Agenda will also include preparing comments for the Board of Fisheries PWS proposals and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information contact Jon Van Hyning at 355-3050.