Board of Fish meets in Anchorage this week
FishingGovernment October 16, 2017 Lee Leschper

The Alaska Board of Fisheries will meet October 17-19, 2017, at the Egan Civic & Convention Center, 555 West 5thAvenue, Anchorage, Alaska beginning at 8:30 am.
No regulatory action will be taken at this meeting, but sport fishermen should watch several of the agenda change requests, that could affect 2018 salmon fishing.
Agenda topics may include: election of officers, agenda change requests, petitions, meeting organization, creation of board generated proposals, establishing committees for the 2017/2018 meeting cycle, setting locations and dates for the 2019/20 meeting cycle, informational reports, executive sessions and administrative issues that may come before the board.
The board’s 2017 agenda change requests (ACRs) are available for review on the board’s website. ACRs are submitted by the public, advisory committees, and agencies seeking regulatory change for regions and species not up for deliberation in the current meeting cycle. The board will accept an ACR as a proposal for the 2017/2018 meeting cycle based on guidelines found in 5 AAC 39.999 which includes the ACR is:
- For a fishery conservation purpose or reason.
- To correct an error in a regulation.
- To correct an effect on a fishery that was unforeseen when a regulation was adopted.
The agenda and other meeting documents, including ACRs, will be available prior to the meeting on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Board of Fisheries, meeting information webpage at: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fisheriesboard.meetinginfo.
These meetings are open to the public. Written comments, due by October 3, may be mailed to: Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, emailed to dfg.bof.comments@alaska.gov, on the Board’s main webpage atwww.boardoffisheries.adfg.alaska.gov, or faxed to: (907) 465-6094. A live audio stream is intended to be available on the Board of Fisheries’ website at www.boardoffisheries.adfg.alaska.gov.