Area families like this one enjoying a day catching sockeyes on the upper Kenai can have input on new fishing regulations at area advisory committee meetings in early April. Lee Leschper photo
Outdoorsmen have a chance to speak directly to pending and new fish and game regulations in the next few days. This is a unique opportunity in Alaska, for direct input into how resources are managed. Fish & Game advisory committees representing most South Central regions will meet in early April in several communities.
These will also be a great chance for more information and feedback on the recent Board of Fish meeting and regulation changes on Upper Cook Inlet fisheries.
Sport and subsistence anglers had very little presence at that BOF meeting, and perhaps in consequence, new regulations shifted to longer, more lenient fishing periods for commercial fishing in the Inlet.
The Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold an election meeting Tuesday, April 4 at the King Career Center, 2650 E Northern Lights Blvd at 6:30 pm. Agenda will include summary of Board of Game Interior/NE Region meeting, summary of Upper Cook Inlet Board of Fish meeting, discussion of proposals to submit for BOF / BOG upcoming cycle, and any other business before the committee. For more information, Joel Doner 907-345-7262.
The Denali Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 4 at the Cantwell School library at 7 pm. Agenda will include a BOG wrap up, discussion of fish and game proposals to submit, and any other business that may properly come before the committee. For more information, Don Holum 907-768-2900.
The Homer Fish & Game Advisory Committee meeting will meet at 6 pm on Tuesday, April 11th at the KBRR’s building on Kachemak Drive. Agenda includes a continued discussion of formation of subcommittees and possible BOG Statewide proposals to submit. For more information, Dave Lyon 907-399-2340.
The Seward Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold an election meeting on Thursday, April 13 at 7 pm at the City Council chambers, 410 Adams Street. Also on the agenda will be an update of BOF and BOG meetings. For more information, Jim McCracken 362-3701.
The Mat Valley Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold an election meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 7 pm, tentatively at the Wasilla High School Auditorium, located at 701 E Bogard Road. For more information and to confirm location of this meeting, contact Jehnifer Ehmann at jehnifer.ehmann@mtaonline.net
The Whittier Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet on Saturday, April 8 at the Anchor Inn, 2 p.m.to discuss proposals to submit for Board of Fisheries. For more information, Jon Van Hyning 907-355-3050.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
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