Alaska Outdoor Digest

The source for important, timely news on hunting, fishing and the outdoors in Alaska.

No bait or multiple hooks on Kenai until Aug. 15
Limit to protect kings applies to all fishermen In an effort to protect a terribly low late run of Kenai river king salmon, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is prohibiting the use of bait and multiple hooks in the Kenai River from its mouth upstream to... Read more
ADF&G COVID-19 guidelines  for Alaska sportfishing
With fishing fast approaching, Alaska fishing guides are frantically trying to determine what rules they’ll be working under this summer, assuming there will still be some form of mandates related to COVID-19. Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang has cautioned the sport fishing industry that state and local health mandates will get... Read more
State hatcheries closed to public indefinitely
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Department) has announced that both state-owned Fisheries Centers will remain closed to the public until further notice to protect the public and staff from the potential spread of COVID-19. These public spaces include the Tanana Valley Fisheries Center, located at the Ruth... Read more
When will they stop?

When will they stop? Hot

Fishing August 8, 2019

The late sockeye salmon run on the Kenai River is so far off the charts it no longer is sufficient to use superlatives. With another 60,000 plus reds into the Kenai yesterday, the run count is poised to triple the count for same date last year. With the limit... Read more
Resurrection sockeye limit increased to 12
The gifts keep on coming from what’s certainly the most amazing start to the 2019 salmon season that most of us can remember. Limits on sockeye in the Russian River and Upper Kenai are already increasing from three to six daily this weekend, and now ADF&G is upping the... Read more
2019 Slam’n Salm’n Derby kicks off Friday with Kings in the Creek
The downtown Anchorage Ship Creek Slam’n Salm’n Derby kicks off Friday at 6 a.m. and it’s shaping up to be the best Derby in many years. A big surge of big king salmon has been filling the creek for the past 10 days, with a 43-pounder the largest weighed... Read more
Russian, Upper Kenai sockeye limit bumped to 6
By Lee Leschper Fire up the smoker and get out the coho flies!  Thanks to perhaps the best early sockeye run in a generation, ADF&G is increasing the daily and possession limits on the Upper Kenai and Russian River to 6 and 12, effective Friday. The fishery opened June... Read more
Key advisory committee meetings and elections this month; ACs offer local sportsman input to state action
Fish & Game advisory committees are scheduled to meet throughout Alaska in the coming weeks to discuss recent action by both boards of game and fish, as well in some cases hold elections for committee memberships. The committees are intended as the front line for local sportsman input into... Read more
Conditions promising for Homer Winter King Tourney this weekend
The 2019 Winter King Salmon Tournament is Saturday, March 23 and with charter captains doing very well on feeder kings in Kachemak Bay this week, conditions are prime for an excellent derby. Relatively mild weather, with light winds and drizzle, but temperatures in the 40s should both help the... Read more
Board of Fish rejects change in allocation criteria
The Alaska Board of Fisheries rejected a proposal from the Kenai River Sport Fishing Association to give more priority for non-commercial fishermen in allocating fish among Alaska user groups. The board voted 5-2 against Proposal 171 along pretty much historic commercial-sport fishing lines.  A more detailed recap of the... Read more